BLUE CROSS® Resuscitation Sets   First-Aid Type

Emergency Resuscitation Sets with Hand Bulb Aspirator, Opening Airway Instruments based on
Blue Cross Silicone Resuscitators.
BLUE CROSS Resuscitation Set with EMAGIN Case.

acrw-ha-2   acrw-ha-3
ccrw-ha-3   icrw-ha

T1110070 T1110080 T1110090 T1110100
BC-ACRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-ACRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-CCRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Child
BC-ICRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Infant
BC-HA-210 Hand Bulb Aspirator
BC-OA-HA Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-HCI Opening Airway Instruments
BC-2040-TF Tongue Forceps
BC-01S-TB Soft Clear Case, Small
BC-2S-TP Emagin Case 32×10.5×30cm
1.9kg 2.2kg 1.9kg 1.6kg

BLUE CROSS® Resuscitation Sets   First-Aid Type

Emergency Resuscitation Sets including Suction Units, Opening Airway Instruments based on
Blue Cross Silicone Resuscitators.
BLUE CROSS Resuscitation Set with EMAGIN Bag.

arw-1   arw-2
crw-3   airw-2

T1110010 T1110020 T1110030 T1110040 T1110050 T1110060
Components ARW-1 ARW-2 ARW-3 CRW-3 AIRW-2 AIRW-3
BC-ACRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-CCRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Child
BC-ICRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Infant
BC-HA-210 Hand Bulb Aspirator
BC-FP-300 Foot Suction Pump
BC-OA-1 Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-2 Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-3 Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-FCI Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-HACI Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-FACI Opening Airway Instruments
BC-2040-TF Tongue Forceps
BC-01S-TB Soft Clear Case, Small
BC-1S-EM Emagin Bag Small 34×12×22cm
BC-01L-EM Emagin Bag Large 40×14×27cm
1.5kg 1.7kg 2.6kg 2.4kg 2.2kg 3.0kg

BLUE CROSS® Oxygen Resuscitation Sets   Professional Type
Examples of optional products

With 5 Major Functions; Diagnosis, Resuscitation,Aspiration,Opening Airway & Endotracheal Intubation.
Emergensy Resuscitation Sets with optional Diagnostic Instruments and Endotracheal Intubation.

Hard case is made of strong and lightweight aluminum case, and soft case is made of semi-waterproof
nylon cloth.
Icons on outside of case identify contents.
Soft case can be carried by handle, by shoulder strap and as a backpack.


T1110110 T1110120 T1110130 T1110140 T1110150 T1110160
BC-DI-S Diagnostic Instruments
BC-ACRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-ICRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Child
BC-FP-300 Foot Sction Pump,Adult
BC-HA-210 Hand Bulb Aspirator
BC-OA-FA Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-OA-FACI Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-OA-HA Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-OA-HCI Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-2040-TF Tongue Forceps
BC-OA-FACI Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-AI-DX Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-BA-DX Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-BI-DX Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-01S-TB Soft Clear Case,Small
BC-01M-TB Soft Clear Case,Medium
BC-2M-PT Emagin Hard Case,Small 44×15×38cm
BC-5S-PTS Emagin Hard Case,Medium 38×34×32cm
BC-03M-ER Emagin Soft Case, Small 57×20×22cm
BC-01L-EM Emagin Bag,Large 40×14×27cm
BC-1S-EM Emagin Bag,Small 34×12×22cm
6.8kg 6.4kg 8.2kg 6.8kg 2.5kg 1.8kg

BLUE CROSS® Oxygen Resuscitation Sets   First-Aid Type
Examples of optional products

With 4 Major Functions; Resuscitation,Aspiration,Opening Airway & Oxygen Inhalation.
Oxygen Inhalation Emagency Resuscitation Sets with Oxygen Inhalator based on Emargency
Resuscitation Set.
Hard case is made of strong and lightweight aluminum case, and soft case is made of semi-
waterproof nylon cloth.
Icons on outside of case identify contents.
Soft case can be carried by handle, by shoulder strap and as a backpack.

arw-1 arw-2

T1110170 T1110180 T1110190 T1110200
BC-ACRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-ICRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Infant
BC-FP-300 Foot Suction Pump,Adlut
BC-OA-FA Opening Airway Instruments
BC-OA-FACI Opening Airway Instruments
BC-2060-ES Emergency Bandage Scissors
BC-OX-200 Oxygen Inhalation Set
BC-01S-TB Soft Clear Case,Small
BC-01M-TB Soft Clear Case, Medium
BC-2L-ST Emagin Hard Case 57×15×34cm
BC-03M-ER Emagin Soft Case 57×20×22cm
9.6kg 9.4kg 9.7kg 9.8kg

Emagin Soft Case ER

Carried by handle,by shoulder strap and as a backpack.(Shoulder strap and backpack strap are included)

BLUE CROSS® Oxygen Resuscitation Set  Professional Type
Examples of optional products

With 6 Major Functions; Diagnosis,Resuscitation,Aspiration,Opening Airway,Oxygen Inhalation
Endotracheal Intubation
Oxygen Inhalation Emergency Resuscitation Sets.
Hard case is made of strong and Lightweight aluminum case, and soft case is made of semi-waterproof
nylon cloth.
Icons on outside of case identify content.
Soft case can be carried by handle,by shoulder strap and as a backpack.


T1110210 T1110220 T1110230 T1110240
BC-DI-S Diagnostic Instruments
BC-ACRW-33 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Adult
BC-ICRW-22 Silicone Resuscitator with Reservoir System,Infant
BC-FP-300 Foot Sction Pump,Adult
BC-OA-FA Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-OA-FACI Opening Airway Instruments and Accessories
BC-2040-TF Tongue Forceps
BC-OX-200 Oxygen Inhalation Set
BC-ET-A-DX Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-AI-DX Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-A Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-ET-AI Endotracheal Intubation Set
BC-01S-TB Soft Clear Case,Small
BC-01M-TB Soft Clear Case,Medium
BC-03M-ER Emagin Soft Case, Small 57×20×22cm
BC-2L-PTS Emagin Hard Case,Large 57×19×36cm
11.0kg 11.4kg 11.5kg 11.9kg